Eva Husson

To The Meadows

Hanna - To The Meadows

Hanna returns to Passway and follows Dumont and the drugs out of the city, aware that they will lead her to The Meadows. Marissa discovers that Sonia is in Belgium and reaches Hanna just in time, killing Sonia in the process. Hanna arrives at The Meadows, ready to save Clara, but is shocked to discover that Terriā€™s plans to get through to Clara have worked, and she appears to have settled in.


The Trial

Hanna - The Trial

Marissa and Hanna return to Paris, whilst Clara is introduced into the fold at The Meadows - but her rebellious nature causes problems, and Terri is tasked with persuading her to rejoin the programme. Pursuing Carla, Hanna finds the pharmaceutical company behind the Utrax medical implants and takes part in a drug trial, where she discovers that the drugs are bound for the trainees at The Meadows.



Hanna - Safe

As Hanna hides Clara in the vast forests of Northern Romania, the remaining trainees are transferred to an educational facility called The Meadows, where they are assigned new identities. Marissa sets about finding Clara by posing as her mother online, luring her to a hotel in Bucharest, where she is ambushed and captured by Utrax. Hanna follows and is reunited with Marissa.
