Mark Proksch


What We Do in the Shadows - Resurrection

Nadja and Laszlo's new familiar poses problems for an increasingly anxious Guillermo, and the vampires enlist the services of a local necromancer.

Role: Colin Robinson


What We Do in the Shadows - Ancestry

Nandor visits one of his living descendants, and a lover from Nadja's past re-emerges.

Role: Colin Robinson

The Orgy

What We Do in the Shadows - The Orgy

Tensions run high as the vampires prepare to host the Biannual Vampire Orgy.

Role: Colin Robinson


What We Do in the Shadows - Citizenship

Nadja trains Jenna on how to take her first victim, and Nandor applies for American citizenship.

Role: Colin Robinson

The Trial

What We Do in the Shadows - The Trial

The vampires must defend themselves as an international vampire tribunal gathers to judge them for their transgressions.

Role: Colin Robinson

Baron's Night Out

What We Do in the Shadows - Baron's Night Out

The Baron awakens from his slumber and demands to experience the wonders of the New World in a night out in the town.

Role: Colin Robinson

Animal Control

What We Do in the Shadows - Animal Control

Lazslo, in bat form, is captured by Staten Island Animal Control and must be rescued, while Nadja can no longer resist reconnecting with her reincarnated lover Gregor.

Role: Colin Robinson

Manhattan Night Club

What We Do in the Shadows - Manhattan Night Club

The vampires venture into Manhattan, to make an alliance with an old friend who is now the king of the Manhattan vampires.

Role: Colin Robinson

Werewolf Feud

What We Do in the Shadows - Werewolf Feud

The fragile truce between the vampires and Staten Island’s werewolves is tested, and Colin Robinson finds romance with a new co-worker.

Role: Colin Robinson

City Council

What We Do in the Shadows - City Council

The vampires get embroiled in local Staten Island politics as their first step to world domination.

Role: Colin Robinson