Pam Stone

They're Back

The Drew Carey Show - They're Back

Kate alerts the guys to the fact that a hurricane has struck the near the neighborhood where Drew's parents live in Florida. As they watch the news report, Drew's parents suddenly show up at his house in their Winnebago. They have been on the road since losing their house for failure to make payments. They finally admit that Beulah lost their life savings in a land development scam. The Careys plan to stay with Drew for a few weeks until they receive their claim in a class-action lawsuit. Unfortunately, they lose the case. George and Beulah take over the house and prevent Drew from having any privacy. After his parents spoil a date, he begins spending all of his time at the store. He finally resolves to ask his parents to leave by laying a guilt trip on them. They prove too tough to crack, and Drew ends up staying with Lewis and Oswald.

Role: Lois

Lisa Gets Married

The Drew Carey Show - Lisa Gets Married

Drew inadvertently agrees to organize a wedding shower for his ex-girlfriend Lisa when he mistakenly believes the bride is an elderly employee also named Lisa. Lisa's fiancé Trent, according to Drew's new system that ranks employees by performance, is first in line to be fired from the store. Lisa thinks Drew is acting out of spite because he hasn't moved on but Drew insists it's because Trent is a poor employee. Drew talks with Trent and is unnerved when Trent has an epiphany and decides he wants to call off the wedding.

Role: Lois

It's Your Party and I'll Crash If I Want To

The Drew Carey Show - It's Your Party and I'll Crash If I Want To

An employee is killed by a speeding car while trying to cross a busy intersection in front of the store. Dexter K. Roberts, a popular salesman famous for his great parties, is brought in to take over her job. Drew feels left out when everyone leaves to have lunch with Dexter while Drew is in the copy room. Dexter then embarrasses Drew in front of the staff by using him as the guinea pig for his magic tricks. Dexter throws a big party for his co-workers, and even invites Lewis and Oswald. Drew and Mimi are the only ones who do not have invitations. They run into each other at the Warsaw that night and discuss the pain of being outcasts. They become furious and decide to crash the party and ruin everyone's good time. Dexter reveals that he had actually left invitations for Drew in his pockets during the magic trick. However, Mimi was not invited because of her attitude. She wants to trash his house, but Dexter says that he has called the cops and orders her to leave. He pleads

Role: Lois

Mimi's Day Parade

The Drew Carey Show - Mimi's Day Parade

Drew's hopes of a relaxing holiday weekend are crushed when Mr. Wick makes Drew in charge of Winfred-Louder's Thanksgiving Day parade. Crunched for time, Drew has to make a deal with Mimi that she can be the "snow queen" in the parade if her father's trucking company supplies the equipment for the floats. Unfortunately, Mr. Wick chooses someone else to be grand marshal and Mimi sabotages the parade.

Role: Lois

Drew's the Other Man

The Drew Carey Show - Drew's the Other Man

Drew is upset when Bonnie refuses to go out on dates with him in public. She always wants to stay over at his place and order take-out. Drew thinks Bonnie is concerned about his financial situation but he wants to do something special for her. Drew surprises Bonnie at her apartment with a gourmet meal, only to find out she's married.

Role: Lois

What the Zoning Inspector Saw

The Drew Carey Show - What the Zoning Inspector Saw

Drew catches the eye of an attractive stranger at the Warsaw. The woman, Bonnie, agrees to come back to his house to see his brewery. After she learns that he does not have a permit, she reveals that she is a zoning inspector and says that she must report him. Mimi (for a fee) suggests a way that Drew might get out of the situation. She says that the gang could organize a party and sell maps to the location, then give away the appropriate amount of beer. Bonnie comes to Winfred-Louder to apologize to Drew, and agrees to attend his party. She brings a policewoman friend to the gathering. Unfortunately, she threatens to arrest Drew and his friends for soliciting to sell alcohol unless they shut down the party and return everyone's money. Bonnie and Drew sleep together. She feels bad about causing him so many problems. She recommends that he get signatures on a petition and appear before the city council to request a change in the zoning laws for his neighborhood. The council h

Role: Lois

The Day the Music Died

The Drew Carey Show - The Day the Music Died

Drew, Lewis and Oswald learn that their high school band teacher, Ms. Blankenship, has died. Drew seems to take the news especially hard. He organizes the band to put together one last performance for her, and becomes furious whenever anyone insults Ms. Blankenship. His friends ask for an explanation, and Drew reveals that he lost his virginity to her. He considers the experience to be special. However, he soon learns that the teacher regularly seduced her male pupils. Drew receives another shock when Kate and Oswald confess that they slept together once in high school. Drew feels like a fool because he was unaware of these secrets. Kate tries to cheer him up by proposing a secret of their own. She declares that they should get married if they are both still single by a certain age (which Drew keeps trying to lower).

Role: Lois

The Devil, You Say

The Drew Carey Show - The Devil, You Say

Kate begins dating Jack, a guy that she met at the Warsaw. He interviews for a job at the store, and Drew is disturbed to learn that he thinks he is the devil. He has even taken out credit cards under the name ""The Devil."" Kate is certain that this is a joke, but soon discovers otherwise. When she tries to dump Jack, he claims that she has sold him her soul. Drew puts his own soul on the line and challenges Jack to a game of pool, but it doesn't go very well. Kate confronts Jack and says that he claims to be the devil because he is afraid that women will dump him if he acts like himself. He mocks her, so Drew prepares to beat him up. However, Jack loses interest when he learns that Kate lied about being a virgin. He leaves in disgust. Wick orders all of the staff to wear costumes for Halloween. Drew dresses as Mimi, who is outraged when he wears an outfit that she had already purchased.

Role: Lois

The Bully You Know

The Drew Carey Show - The Bully You Know

Wick orders Mimi to begin wearing less make-up and more conservative clothing, as he doesn't want her representing him with her current appearance. When she refuses, Wick banishes her to the archives in the sub-basement. She tries to get revenge by wreaking havoc throughout the store. When Drew accidentally spills beer on a large man at the Warsaw, another man saves him from a fight. He turns out to be Simon, a bully who tormented the gang throughout high school. He apologizes for his actions and seems to have changed his ways. Simon is out of work, so Drew hires him as Wick's new assistant. Simon soon begins pushing everyone around, and even Wick becomes terrified of him. Wick decides to bring back Mimi, regardless of her appearance. He is too afraid to fire Simon, and leaves the task to Drew. Lewis, Oswald and Kate encourage Drew to stand up to Simon, claiming that bullies are really cowards at heart. Although Simon beats him up, Drew manages to fire him. Mimi doesn't wan

Role: Lois

Break It Up, Break It Up

The Drew Carey Show - Break It Up, Break It Up

Lisa moves in with Drew, bringing an assortment of pets that includes a toilet-trained cat. They begin to really get on each other's nerves, and Drew goes to great lengths to avoid going home at night. Jay tells Drew that he is considering an offer to run a Dairy Queen in Minnesota with his brother. Kate comes to believe that Jay is going to propose, and realizes that she must reject him. She is bewildered when Jay simply tells her that he is moving and does not even ask her to come with him. Drew tries to console the furious Kate. He drives around with her all night and eats french fries. He finally goes home to find a note from Lisa saying that she has realized that Drew is uncomfortable and has gone to stay with a friend. He dances around to celebrate the fact that he is alone, unaware that Lisa hasn't left yet. She confesses that she is also unhappy, and they have an amicable break-up. She lets him keep her handicapped dog, Speedy. Drew drives Kate around as she breaks th

Role: Lois

Something Wick This Way Comes

The Drew Carey Show - Something Wick This Way Comes

Drew serves as acting store manager while also fulfilling his regular duties. He is outraged when the store declines to make him the permanent manager, instead hiring Nigel Wick, an Englishman who makes it clear that he would rather be anywhere but Cleveland. Wick makes a stamp of Drew's signature and makes it appear as though Drew is responsible for cost-cutting measures such as the elimination of employee discounts. He coaxes Drew into agreeing to be the ""bad guy"" by offering him a promotion to assistant manager and a new desk. However, Drew draws the line after Wick tries to fire all of the employees with seniority right before their pensions kick in. He claims that the employees are staging a revolt, and Wick wins the staff's approval by eliminating all of ""Drew's"" cutbacks. Oswald and Lewis search for a way to fill a large order of Buzz Beer, which is due in just a few days. They put the neighborhood children to work bottling and delivering beer, much to Drew's horror.

Role: Lois

We'll Remember Always, Evaluation Day

The Drew Carey Show - We'll Remember Always, Evaluation Day

Drew again finds his work coming between him and Lisa, when his negative evaluation of her job performance causes her to reevaluate their relationship.

Role: Lois