Isait De La Fuente

Por Sonia

Bosch - Por Sonia

As Billets posts the Hollywood homicide detectives’ new assignments, Bosch puts a plan in motion to arrest Mickey Peña, leading to some severe consequences. Billets makes an impression and Maddie makes a decision about her future.

Role: Nestor Delgado

Jury's Still Out

Bosch - Jury's Still Out

After discovering Alvarez has been transferred, Bosch enlists Chief Irving’s help. Pierce and Vega get a lead on the hitman. Billets reaches out to a former Hollywood cop for intel on Leonard and Norris. When Bosch and Edgar meet with Carl Rogers, Edgar lets a detail of the case slip, enraging Bosch.

Role: Nestor Delgado

Triple Play

Bosch - Triple Play

Bosch is pulled away from the arson case to a double homicide in the Hollywood Hills and finds RHD Detective Jimmy Robertson on the scene. When the harassment of Lt. Billets escalates, Captain Cooper and Lt. Thorne are angry that she reported it to IA instead of talking to them. Maddie makes a shocking discovery. Bosch and Edgar try to get Alvarez to talk.

Role: Nestor Delgado