Katy Selverstone

Lisa Gets Married

The Drew Carey Show - Lisa Gets Married

Drew inadvertently agrees to organize a wedding shower for his ex-girlfriend Lisa when he mistakenly believes the bride is an elderly employee also named Lisa. Lisa's fiancé Trent, according to Drew's new system that ranks employees by performance, is first in line to be fired from the store. Lisa thinks Drew is acting out of spite because he hasn't moved on but Drew insists it's because Trent is a poor employee. Drew talks with Trent and is unnerved when Trent has an epiphany and decides he wants to call off the wedding.

Role: Lisa Robbins

Break It Up, Break It Up

The Drew Carey Show - Break It Up, Break It Up

Lisa moves in with Drew, bringing an assortment of pets that includes a toilet-trained cat. They begin to really get on each other's nerves, and Drew goes to great lengths to avoid going home at night. Jay tells Drew that he is considering an offer to run a Dairy Queen in Minnesota with his brother. Kate comes to believe that Jay is going to propose, and realizes that she must reject him. She is bewildered when Jay simply tells her that he is moving and does not even ask her to come with him. Drew tries to console the furious Kate. He drives around with her all night and eats french fries. He finally goes home to find a note from Lisa saying that she has realized that Drew is uncomfortable and has gone to stay with a friend. He dances around to celebrate the fact that he is alone, unaware that Lisa hasn't left yet. She confesses that she is also unhappy, and they have an amicable break-up. She lets him keep her handicapped dog, Speedy. Drew drives Kate around as she breaks th

Role: Lisa Robbins

We'll Remember Always, Evaluation Day

The Drew Carey Show - We'll Remember Always, Evaluation Day

Drew again finds his work coming between him and Lisa, when his negative evaluation of her job performance causes her to reevaluate their relationship.

Role: Lisa Robbins

Buzz Beer

The Drew Carey Show - Buzz Beer

Drew starts his own beermaking business after learning there's trouble brewing at the store and that he could be getting canned.

Role: Lisa Robbins

Drew Gets Motivated

The Drew Carey Show - Drew Gets Motivated

Stagnated in his job, Drew takes the bull by the horns and convinces the board to use animal mascots for the store. But things turn beastly for Drew when the creatures get loose.

Role: Lisa Robbins

Drew and Kate and Kate's Mom

The Drew Carey Show - Drew and Kate and Kate's Mom

Drew's in a knotty position when he tries to straighten out family ties between Kate and her mom.

Role: Lisa Robbins

Atomic Cat Fight

The Drew Carey Show - Atomic Cat Fight

Lisa, Kate and Mimi are candidates to head the store's personal-services department, and Drew has trouble deciding among them.

Role: Lisa Robbins

Playing a Unified Field

The Drew Carey Show - Playing a Unified Field

Drew decides to ask out his party-animal hairdresser after Lisa cuts him loose to start dating other people.

Role: Lisa Robbins

The Front

The Drew Carey Show - The Front

Drew may have to terminate his affair with Lisa or risk job termination when the store bans interoffice dating. His solution? Ask Kate's boyfriend to pretend he's dating Lisa, to throw co-workers off the track.

Role: Lisa Robbins

Drew's New Assistant

The Drew Carey Show - Drew's New Assistant

The good news: Drew's dream of getting a personal assistant comes true. The bad news: Mimi is it.

Role: Lisa Robbins

Drew and Mr. Bell's Nephew

The Drew Carey Show - Drew and Mr. Bell's Nephew

Drew agrees to show Mr. Bell's spoiled nephew the ropes at work, but he's soon trying to give the upstart enough rope to hang himself.

Role: Lisa Robbins

Isomers Have Distinct Characteristics

The Drew Carey Show - Isomers Have Distinct Characteristics

Things look ho-ho-hopeless for Drew when the store's employees--including Kate--go on strike during the holiday rush, and he's forced to hire scabs to replace them.

Role: Lisa Robbins

Drew and Mrs. Louder

The Drew Carey Show - Drew and Mrs. Louder

The store's owner asks Drew to be her personal assistant, but his new position soon turns compromising when her interest extends into his private life.

Role: Lisa Robbins

Lewis' Sister

The Drew Carey Show - Lewis' Sister

Drew feels family ties tightening around his neck when he takes Lewis's sister on a date, and she falls for him--much to Lewis's (and Drew's) chagrin.

Role: Lisa Robbins

Miss Right

The Drew Carey Show - Miss Right

Drew finally meets "Miss Right," only to discover she's also just right for a job he's trying to fill. Meanwhile, Mimi's back--and this time, it's personal: she's been hired as personal assistant to Drew's boss.

Role: Lisa Robbins