Carter MacIntyre

The Ace Hotel

Bosch - The Ace Hotel

Chandler brokers a plea deal that leads to a confession, giving Bosch and Edgar all they need to go after Kent’s killer. Bosch digs deeper into a street hustle involving Daisy, but Elizabeth causes trouble when she pursues a lead on her own. Irving pitches a new task force aimed at combatting homelessness, and Billets puts Vega and Pierce in an awkward position.

Role: FBI Agent Clifford Maxwell

Part of the Deal

Bosch - Part of the Deal

Bosch discovers there’s more to Alicia Kent’s story than meets the eye. Elizabeth Clayton calls with news that jump starts her daughter’s cold case. Edgar and Hovan craft a plan to move in on Avril, Crate and an old buddy have an eventful night, and Antonio asks Maddie to introduce him to Bosch.

Role: FBI Agent Clifford Maxwell

Three Widows

Bosch - Three Widows

When cops discover the body of a homeless man covered in radiation burns, the hunt for the cesium intensifies but Bosch and Edgar wonder if their assumptions about the crime have been wrong all along. Maddie’s discovery earns Chandler’s praise. DEA Agent Charlie Hovan discloses his connection to Jamaican drug dealers with possible ties to Edgar’s dirty cops.

Role: FBI Agent Clifford Maxwell

Good People on Both Sides

Bosch - Good People on Both Sides

A detail from Kent’s widow Alicia leads Bosch and the FBI to suspect a group of Sovereign citizens in connection to the stolen radioactive cesium and Overlook murder, but they clash over tactics, causing a deadly standoff. Maddie finds a puzzling omission in a trial transcript and Detective Vega is uncomfortable to learn she’s Billets’ "teacher’s pet."

Role: FBI Agent Clifford Maxwell

The Overlook

Bosch - The Overlook

Nearly a year has passed and Bosch, still grinding on the Daisy Clayton murder case, gets called to the Lake Hollywood Overlook to investigate the murder of medical physicist Stanley Kent. Edgar runs a sting on his dirty cops, Maddie starts a new internship, and Chief Irvin Irving jumpstarts his mayoral campaign.

Role: FBI Agent Clifford Maxwell