Lona Williams

Break It Up, Break It Up

The Drew Carey Show - Break It Up, Break It Up

Lisa moves in with Drew, bringing an assortment of pets that includes a toilet-trained cat. They begin to really get on each other's nerves, and Drew goes to great lengths to avoid going home at night. Jay tells Drew that he is considering an offer to run a Dairy Queen in Minnesota with his brother. Kate comes to believe that Jay is going to propose, and realizes that she must reject him. She is bewildered when Jay simply tells her that he is moving and does not even ask her to come with him. Drew tries to console the furious Kate. He drives around with her all night and eats french fries. He finally goes home to find a note from Lisa saying that she has realized that Drew is uncomfortable and has gone to stay with a friend. He dances around to celebrate the fact that he is alone, unaware that Lisa hasn't left yet. She confesses that she is also unhappy, and they have an amicable break-up. She lets him keep her handicapped dog, Speedy. Drew drives Kate around as she breaks th


Atomic Cat Fight

The Drew Carey Show - Atomic Cat Fight

Lisa, Kate and Mimi are candidates to head the store's personal-services department, and Drew has trouble deciding among them.


There is No Scientific Name for a Show About God

The Drew Carey Show - There is No Scientific Name for a Show About God

A life-altering experience reawakens Drew's aspiration to spend his life behind an altar--as a minister. But his renewed devotion leads to a baptism of fire when he's called upon to dispense advice.


Isomers Have Distinct Characteristics

The Drew Carey Show - Isomers Have Distinct Characteristics

Things look ho-ho-hopeless for Drew when the store's employees--including Kate--go on strike during the holiday rush, and he's forced to hire scabs to replace them.


The Electron Doesn't Fall Far from the Nucleus

The Drew Carey Show - The Electron Doesn't Fall Far from the Nucleus

Drew's dad pressures him to join his lodge, the Wildebeests, so he can make gnu, er, new business connections.


Science Names Suck

The Drew Carey Show - Science Names Suck

Drew and his buddies welcome back an old high-school friend, but Kate's up in arms about the "new guy" horning in on her territory.


The Joining of Two Unlike Elements is a Mixture

The Drew Carey Show - The Joining of Two Unlike Elements is a Mixture

Drew vows to throw Kate a surprise shotgun wedding, after she laments that one of the states she never entered was that of holy matrimony. Meanwhile, a co-worker asks Drew to fire him.
