Jay Chandrasekhar

Let's Doo-Wop It Again

Psych - Let's Doo-Wop It Again

When the founder of "Right Now", Santa Barbara's oldest at-risk youth program, is shot and almost killed, Shawn, Gus and a few members of Gus's a capella group from college investigate to find the culprit.


Chivalry Is Not Dead... But Someone Is

Psych - Chivalry Is Not Dead... But Someone Is

A wealthy widow's young date is murdered, pitting Shawn and Gus against a dirty rotten scoundrel they are convinced trained the victim to be a con artist.


Bollywood Homicide

Psych - Bollywood Homicide

Raj, a young East Indian man whose serious girlfriends have all met with suspicious accidents, is convinced that he is the victim of a curse, but Shawn and Gus aren't buying the supernatural explanation. They are convinced that a mysterious assailant is actually responsible and they're out to catch the culprit.


The Greatest Adventure in the History of Basic Cable

Psych - The Greatest Adventure in the History of Basic Cable

Henry's brother, Jack, claims that he has a map that leads to buried treasure. Shawn and Gus assist Jack in his search for the treasure, but it turns out that Jack has got more going on than meets the eye.


Basic Story

Community - Basic Story

The Save Greendale Committee's success is short-lived when the board votes for a corporate sellout, but Pelton, Annie and Abed might find a solution.


Introduction to Teaching

Community - Introduction to Teaching

Abed tackles a two-day crash course on Nicolas Cage, while a clueless Jeff begins his teaching career with Annie as his most demanding student.


The First Chang Dynasty

Community - The First Chang Dynasty

The study group stages an elaborate heist to break in to Greendale and free Dean Pelton from the clutches of Chang.


Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts

Community - Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts

As the semester ends, the anthropology final is disrupted when Shirley goes into labor and her husband, Andre, is summoned to school for the birth.


Intro to Political Science

Community - Intro to Political Science

For an upcoming vice-presidential visit, Glendale's Dean Pelton hastily organizes an election for student body president that pits Annie against Jeff.


Mixology Certification

Community - Mixology Certification

Troy's friends help him celebrate his 21st birthday.
