Catherine Lough Haggquist

Extradition II: The Actual Extradition Part

Psych - Extradition II: The Actual Extradition Part

Shawn and Gus return to Vancouver to visit their old nemesis Despereaux in prison at the felon's request, who then uses them to escape and pull one last job before he is extradited to the United States. Only while he is out, he is framed for the murder of a Crown Attorney and now asks the guys for help clearing his name of this most recent – and frankly unseemly – charge.

Role: Lisa

Off the Books

Tracker - Off the Books

Colter is forced to team up with his estranged brother, Russell, who enlists his help to track down a former army buddy who's gone missing after several weeks of paranoid behavior. The investigation takes the brothers into the world of Special Forces missions, shady off-the-books programs and conspiracy theories, all while they contend with their family's past.

Role: Ann